Storytelling has always fascinated me. From a young age, all I ever wanted from my parents was for them to tell me stories. Still, in interactions with friends, I don’t just want the “gist” of what happened, I want them to tell me what led up to whatever they are talking about. Professionally, story and storytelling is my life and livelihood. Whether it is in a straightforward newspaper article, a more in-depth “life” style piece, or fiction writing, I live for telling stories. I believe that telling stories well can change things. I also think that it would be hard to argue with that statement, but you are more than welcome to. Most of the changes that have come about in our world, that have saved lives, places and tradition have come from someone telling the story of those people or that place. We, as humans are built to empathize with one another, so hearing about someone else’s struggle strikes a chord in us. But if the story is told in a certain way, it can not just strike a chord, it can also inspire action. I relation to JMC 465: multimedia storytelling, my capstone and last class in my discipline, this means that I want to create a piece that inspires action. I no longer want mediocrity in my projects. Not one shred of it. I want to find and story and get so into it that it is all that I can think about. I am currently looking for that story of social injustice in our area if anyone has any ideas.